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Selecting  Music for Funerals

As both Cantor and Organist for Funeral Masses, I sing and play the parts of the Mass, including the 23rd Psalm, and I direct the Fidelis Choir, which is also present to sing the responses during the Mass, as well as to lead in the singing of the congregational hymns.


Choosing Hymns:

During the Funeral Mass, FOUR congregational hymns need to be selected from either of the THREE books used in our Parish: the GREEN Catholic Book of Worship IIIthe BLUE Gather hymnbook, and the WHITE Songbook of Worship. If you know the order in which you would like the hymns sung you are welcome to make that choice, otherwise, you can leave that up to me.


1. Opening

2. Offertory

3. Communion

4. Closing


Some familiar hymns which are suitable for a Funeral Mass are:


  • From Gather:

Come, Host of Heaven's High Dwelling Place, 544

Do not fear to hope, 420

Healer of Our Every Ill, 642

I am the Bread of Life, 597

I danced in the morning (Lord of the Dance), 511

Jerusalem, My Destiny, 284

Make me a channel of your peace (Prayer of St. Francis), 524

On Eagles' Wings, 433

One Bread, One Body, 599

Precious Lord, Take my hand, 637

Shall we gather at the river, 560

The Summons (Will you come and follow me?), 510

We remember, 417

We shall rise again, 558

You are all we have, 346

You are Mine, 461


  • From the Catholic Book of Worship III:

All my hope on God is Founded, 479

Amazing Grace, 480

Be not afraid, 481

Break not the circle of enabling love, 524

Day is Done, 661

Eternal Father, strong to save, 492

Eye has not seen, 482

For all the Saints, 449

God, Whose glory reigns eternal, 475

God, Whose love in Jesus found us, 501

Here I am Lord, 520

How Great Thou Art, 554

I lift my eyes to the quiet hills, 484

Immaculate Mary, 463

Immortal, Invisible, God only wise, 472

Let all things now living, 534

Like a Shepherd, 490

Lord of All Hopefulness, 497

Lord, You search me and You know me, 474

Now know we not the meaning of life's sorrow, 635

Now the green blade rises, 403

O God, our help in ages past, 644

O Lord, hear my prayer, 491

O Lord, You died that all might live, 642

Rest in peace, 643

Shelter me, O God, 372

Sing a new song, 563

Sing of One who walks beside us, 405

Sing with All the Saints in Glory, 406

The Day You Gave Us, Lord is Ended, 667

This Day God gives me, 650

The Lord’s My Shepherd, 488

The Lord, My Shepherd, Rules my life, 489

You are near, 487


  • From the Songbook of Worship: 

Abide with me, 201

Be still, my soul, 207

Beneath the cross of Jesus, 193

Breathe on me, Breath of God, 194

Come away to the skies, 210

Fairest Lord Jesus, 197

Glorious things of thee are spoken, 199

Great is Thy faithfulness, 204

Guide me, O Thou great Creator, 212

Holy, holy, holy, 137

I surrender all, 136

In Christ alone, 64

In the cross of Christ I glory, 211

Just as I am, 213

O worship the King, 206

Rejoice, the Lord is King, 209

Rock of Ages, cleft for me, 205

The Old Rugged Cross, 191

Unto the hills around do I lift up my longing eyes, 214

What a friend we have in Jesus, 180


These are only some suggestions and you are welcome to choose your own personal/family favourites (from the three aforementioned books, please).  If you would like to have Ave Maria (F. Schubert) played as an organ solo, I would be happy to do so, by request only, following the Communion hymn.




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